Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007


live at the museum of fine arts, boston, mass. 2007-11-19
1. sitting on fire
2. lord let it rain on me
3. true love will find you in the end (daniel johnston)
4. cool waves
5. amen
6. going down slow
7. soul on fire
8. walking with jesus
9. feel so sad
10. stop your crying
11. shine a light
12. all of my tears
13. baby, i'm just a fool
14. anything more / ladies & gentlemen we are floating in space
15. broken heart
16. i think i'm in love
17. lord can you hear me?
18. oh happy day


i downloaded this incredible show from bradley's almanac. check out his site, it holds a phenomenal collection of bootlegs from mainly boston-area shows.. his mp3 archive is just unreal. go and be supremely wow-ed..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007


live at copper commons, missoula, montana 1997-04-21
1. passat dreams
2. grave architecture
3. gold sounds
4. shady lane
5. heaven is a truck
6. date with IKEA
7. the hexx
8. black out
9. stereo
10. transport is arranged
11. kennel district
12. olde to begin
13. westie can drum
14. gangsters & pranksters
15. type slowly
16. summer babe
17. blue hawaiian
18. unfair
19. we are underused
20. box elder
21. fin
22. amanda, i forgot


this has got to be one of the better pavement boots around as well one of the top five fan recordings i own. download and fall in love friends! -bb

live "thumbs_down" webcast 2007-11-08
1. bodysnatchers
2. faust arp
3. headmasters ritual (the smiths)
4. reckoner
5. unknown
6. ceremony (joy division)
7. unravel
8. i might be wrong

Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

pre-webcast test (2007)
1. dj thom
2. unravel (björk)

homogenic (1997)
1. hunter
2. jóga
3. unravel
4. bachelorette

5. all neon like
6. 5 years
7. immature

8. alarm call
9. pluto
10. all is full of love

demo cassette 1 (1987)
1. walking song
2. the other side
3. on the floor
4. pride
5. on the sofa
6. open road
7. well... all right

*At the same time that Galaxie 500 started hawking round their first demo cassette they released a small number of copies of the cassette with four extra tracks on. The tracks were not listed on the sleeve and have not seen the light of day since (they didn't make it onto the box set).

today (1988)
1. flowers
2. pictures
3. parking lot
4. don't let our youth go to waste
5. temperature's rising
6. oblivious

7. it's getting late
8. instrumental
9. tugboat
10. king of spain